Cardiff District Heating Scheme
QMPF was engaged by Cardiff Council to provide a financial model and narrative for the Financial Case of the Outline Business Case for its district heating scheme to assist the Council in appraising the scheme options and support their HNIP funding application. The envisaged district heating scheme includes public sector loads and the heat source is the Trident Park Energy from Waste plant in Cardiff. We modelled various district heating scheme options with offtakes ranging from c.8,100 MWh to 34,460 MWh and construction costs up to £26m. In conjunction with technical advisors and lawyers we assisted the Council in its decision on which scheme option to pursue. We were also involved in guiding the Council on the most appropriate business model for the delivery of the scheme as well as assessing and advising on the optimum funding solution for the project by completing soft market testing of debt and equity providers and providing feedback on our findings to Cardiff.
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