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Partnerships Awards 2020

We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted for “Financial Advisor of the Year” for the Partnership Awards 2020. The awards dinner will take place on 9 December 2020 at the London Hilton Park Lane.


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How to meet Net Zero obligations in challenging economic times 

Universities are facing increased pressures to deliver Net Zero (“NZ”), with students calling for action and commitments in addition to UK government targets. 

Approaches to Developing a Treasury Strategy

Historically, a treasury strategy has been seen as another piece of governance reporting that adds little on top of wider financial forecasting.

Financial Sustainability: Lender Appetite for the Higher Education Sector

Major banks have typically been the main providers of short-term facilities to the Higher Education (“HE”) sector, with these facilities ranging from two to five-year tenors (and occasionally longer for the highest quality HEIs), with possible options to extend at lender discretion.