Peterborough Integrated Renewables Infrastructure District Heating Project
QMPF was engaged by Peterborough City Council to provide a financial model, sensitivity analysis and finance case to support its proposed low carbon district energy network. The Peterborough Integrated Renewables Infrastructure (“PIRI”) Scheme was designed to integrate low-carbon heating and private wire electricity schemes for connected buildings and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
The proposed PIRI district heating network will utilise heat from the Peterborough Energy Recovery Facility, an energy from waste plant, and a water source heat pump backed up by gas boilers. The heat network will supply existing industrial businesses, Council-owned properties, and key regeneration areas stretching into the city centre. The project also includes a private wire connection which will supply 20 offtakers with electricity.
PIRI is intended to be an innovative “multi-energy vector” project which will help to address Peterborough’s future decarbonisation targets. The network itself is designed to be input and technology-agnostic to support future growth.
QMPF developed our in-house district heating financial model for the initial phases of the scheme which underpinned the financial section of the Outline Business Case. QMPF was sub-contracted by the appointed technical advisers (Element Energy) and worked with them to deliver the base case model in addition to a number of sensitivities to quantify the financial impact of project risks. The OBC and financial model were developed to assist the Council in its successful Green Heat Network Fund grant application.
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