Royal Holloway, University of London – £60m PP
QMPF advised Royal Holloway, University of London on the refinancing of its existing legacy bank loans, termination of hedging agreements and the execution of a self-arranged £60m private placement. The placement, with a single UK investor, delivered 36-year funding at an all-in rate of around 3%.
Stephen Avery, CFO at Royal Holloway, University of London said: “QMPF advised Royal Holloway University of London in early 2019 throughout the entire process of securing a recent private placement to refinance some legacy bank debt – assisting us with the placement marketing strategy, preparation of the documents and presentations and negotiations with investors. We were impressed with the team’s knowledge, insight, responsiveness and the quality of their advice. QMPF were instrumental in helping to secure low-cost, long term funding that will assist the University in achieving in strategic goals.”
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