Wheatley Group
QMPF advised the Wheatley Group on the financial and commercial opportunities for installing rooftop solar PV combined with batteries across its housing stock.
Wheatley Group is assessing options for reducing fuel poverty within the communities it serves and for addressing its Energy Efficiency Standards in Social Housing targets to 2032. To assist in this process it appointed QMPF, supported by ITPEnergised and OnGen for technical advice, to review the potential for rooftop solar PV and batter storage to help address these objectives. QMPF led the advisory team and provided Wheatley Group with a report and bespoke financial model addressing the financial case for Wheatley Group and its tenants, structuring options and regulatory considerations.
We used technical information provided by ITPEnegised and OnGen to undertake detailed modelling of energy flows and associated costs, savings and potential revenues for reference property types. This modelling formed the basis of the financial analysis covering both the expected returns for Wheatley Group, as asset owner, and also the impact on energy bills for the tenants. We also worked closely with the Wheatley Group team and both technical advisers to develop a commercial and contracting structure to fit around both regulatory requirements and the parties’ commercial needs.
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